News: Volvo announces its dealer of the year 2012

Billy Naughton Ltd, based in Tralee Co Kerry, has been announced as The Volvo Car Ireland Dealer of the Year for 2012 in a recent Volvo ceremony in Croke Park, Dublin.
Billy Naughton Ltd, who represents Volvo in Kerry, triumphed over competition from Volvo Dealers around the Country to take the award. The Volvo Car Dealer of the Year Award is based on an objective measurement of each Dealer's performance covering a broad range of areas including Customer Service, Sales and Operational Standard measurements it provides a comprehensive quality assessment of each dealership.
“It was a very closely fought competition, and we are delighted for Billy and the team that their hard work won through. They have been part of the Volvo franchise for over 30 years and this award reflects the strong focus they have maintained on providing genuine quality customer service" added Conor Fitzpatrick, Dealer Development Manager for Volvo car Ireland
“We are delighted and Honored to be chosen as Volvo Car dealer of the Year” added Billy Naughton owner of Billy Naughton Ltd.
Billy is seen receiving the Volvo Dealer of the Year trophy from both Conor Fitzpatrick, Dealer Development Manager and Patricia Greene, Product and Marketing Manager for Volvo Car Ireland at the National Final of the Volvo World Golf Challenge held at Killeen Castle County Meath which took place recently. As well as the trophy Billy Naughton will also receive a grant to fund a business improvement project and a team party to celebrate their success.
Billy Naughton Ltd. can be contacted on 066 7121863 for all your Volvo motoring needs.